أخبار ساخنة

Explore Egypt from Home

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Egypt seeks to make some ancient places and museums available to people of the world to enjoy watching the ancient Egyptian civilization during their time in their homes. Within the precautionary and preventive measures against the emerging COVID-19, it launched a service for visits to some of these sites through the official pages of the Ministry on the Internet and social networking sites.

The Ministry publishes many virtual visits to it and an explanation of some museums through Egyptian tour guides. The slogan for these visits will be:

Experience Egypt from Home

Stay Home

Stay Safe

Today, the Ministry, in cooperation with the American Research Institute in Cairo, is launching the first of these virtual visits to the "Minna" cemetery, which is one of the most beautiful tombs of the nobles in the western mainland in Luxor, which belong to the 18th family, through the following link:
